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Dapoxetine Levitra is the combined medicine intended for the men having problems during proximity with the woman. Drug contains two operating components: the amplifier of an erection vardenafit also the ejaculation regulator dapoxetine. At the same time, vardenafit it is better known under a trade name of Levitr.

The first substance provides a normal potentiality due to improvement of blood circulation in tissues of a small pelvis and, respectively, a penis. Drug is similar in the action mechanism to Viagra.

The second substance, dapoxetine, strengthens brake impulses from a brain on the center of an ejaculation in a spinal cord that leads to increase in duration of sexual intercourse. It is reached thanks to increase in concentration of serotonin – one of connections by means of which nervous cells transmit each other signals.

Indications to use

Sometimes it is quite difficult to man to decide, what is better: to increase an erection or to extend sexual intercourse. As a rule, from such problem people from the following categories suffer:

• Men are more senior than 40 – 45 years;

• The patients who had a trauma of area of a small pelvis (disturbance of integrity of muscles, bones, prostates);

• People with atherosclerosis of ileal arteries (narrowing of the arteries feeding bodies of a basin, including a reproductive system);

• Existence of the psychological problems, a trauma or complexes connected with generative organs, sex.

Actually, if completely healthy man wants to achieve the strongest erection and duration of sexual intercourse, then he can take the drug containing a levitra and дапоксетин too. The main thing that it is necessary to consider in that case – possible side effects.

Efficiency of drug

Intake of the combined medicine containing sildenafit and dapoxetine leads to reliable increase in duration of sex and strengthening of an erection. These data were confirmed in clinical trials regarding both single active ingredients. The effect occurs in 30 – 60 minutes after taking the medicine and remains till 2 – 4 o’clock then gradually dies away for 6 – 8 more hours.

Administration of drug causes positive changes in the sexual sphere in all men. It is necessary to understand that the raised erection and the delayed ejaculation will be temporary and will pass after full removal of substances from an organism.

Application instruction of Dapoksetine and Levitra

Before deciding whether it is worth using a combination from a vardenafil and a dapoksetine, it is necessary to study contraindications attentively:

• Hypersensitivity or allergy to any of medicine components;

• Arterial hypertension (pressure at rest is higher than 140/90 mm Hg);

• Arterial hypotension (pressure at rest is lower than 100/70 mm Hg);

• Heart diseases (pains in a breast or an asthma at loading, interruption in rhythmical cardiac performance, the wrong structure of valves of body);

• Orthostatic hypotension (pressure drop, dizziness, blackout when changing position of a body);

• Administration of drugs from supertension;

• Intake of antidepressants for the last two weeks or in a week after medicine use;

• Liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or kidneys (glomerulonephritis, renal failure);

• Mental disorders;

• Age till 18 flyings.

The pill should be taken inside, washing down with water, in 2 – 4 hours prior to sexual intercourse. It is impossible to combine with alcohol intake as development collateral (nausea, a headache, a hyperphrenia) and even paradoxical is possible (decrease in a libido, drowsiness) reactions at all.